
Pistol-smallWe Want YOU To Become a Better Pistol Marksman.

The club has an established pistol range at distances of 50YDS and 25YDS with a 19 point turning target system at the 25 YD line. All firing points are covered with a 16 ft wide roof and there is a concrete floor. As of 2009, this facility is the second largest outdoor pistol range in the state of Wisconsin equipped with turning targets for competition.

This club has several opportunities for pistol activities during the year that are available to the general public. First is a “Pistol Marksmanship School” that is held three successive Wednesday evenings during the month of May. This course teaches the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship and also acquaints participants with the discipline of NRA CONVENTIONAL BULLSEYE PISTOL. NRA certified instructors and experienced pistol competitors teach and coach the course. Fees are nominal and novice shooters are encouraged. A .22 caliber pistol or revolver equipped with adjustable sights is recommended for those initially taking this course. The other events are two NRA approved pistol tournaments that are usually held the 1st Sunday of June and the 1st Sunday of August. The June event is a fundraiser for the support of the pistol teams that represent the state of Wisconsin at the National and Regional championships.

Club members may also participate in a bullseye pistol league that meets on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings from June through August. This league has existed since 1978 and several members have participated since that year! There is an awards picnic at the end of the league to celebrate members’ accomplishments and the fellowship of good sportsmanship.

Contact Pistol Committee Chairman, Tom Manning, at 262-617-7770 for more information.