The Hunter Education program produces knowledgeable, responsible and involved hunters – young hunters who understand the importance of complying with conservation laws and behaving ethically, as well as helping to continue Wisconsin’s hunting tradition.
The Menomonee Falls Rod & Gun Club offers the following Hunter Safety courses throughout the year:
Spring class in March / April 5 sessions, meeting 2 nights a week and 1 Saturday. Classes are limited.
Upon completion of this course, first time students receive a free small game license, including a waiver of all state stamps and a hunter’s choice for the current deer season from the DNR.
In August and September, MFRGC will offer 2 Field Days for those students that have completed the Online Internet course. The completed Online/CDROM course can then be taken to a Field Day at a sponsoring club to complete certification. The clubs holding an Internet/CDROM Field Day will be listed online at the DNR Website (GoWild).
To sign up for a safety education course the student needs to create a Home page on the GoWild site and search and sign-up there.
You can download and review the Hunter manual!
For more information call Jay Schiellack, cell-414-881-9543